Book a room

Fill out the form below, or for imme­di­ate assis­tance, give us a call:
Wake­field (339) 219‑0274

Before you book:
please take a minute to read over our book­ing pol­i­cy for more details.

Your Full Name*

Your Email*

Your Phone Num­ber*
Make sure you pro­vide a valid num­ber so we can con­tact you with con­fir­ma­tion info!

Which loca­tion?

Which room?

Select the desired date:

Pre­ferred start and end time?*

Please Note: Our hours are Mon­day-Fri­day from 5pm to 11pm, Sat­ur­day from 10am-6pm and Sun­days we are open from Noon-6pm. We can also arrange day­time ses­sions on request. Stu­dios may not always be avail­able. If we have a stu­dio avail­able on the date and time you have request­ed we will send you an email con­fir­ma­tion of your book­ing. If we do not have a stu­dio avail­able at that time we will con­tact you by phone and/or email to find an alter­na­tive time, date and/or loca­tion that best fits your needs.

Any com­ments? (Spe­cial gear requests, ques­tions, etc.)

Tell us the answer so we know you’re not a spam­bot. Thanks.

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