Music Lessons @ JamSpot: Daytime, Evening and Weekend Times Available

Now offer­ing gui­tar, bass, piano, synth drums, voice and Ukulele (😀) lessons for all ages, with les­son times con­ve­nient for your sched­ule. Great teach­ers, great vibe, super-com­fort­able lounges, huge les­son rooms and tons of free park­ing. Great rates too: a 45 minute les­son is only $70 (com­pare with oth­er area schools!), 30 minute lessons are $50 and 1 hour lessons are $90. And com­ing soon: per­for­mance ensem­bles, group lessons and class­es in live sound, record­ing and pro­duc­tion and gui­tar main­te­nance. 

For more info please call us at 339–219-0274 or email

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