Come join more than 10,000 musicians who play at JamSpot!

As New England’s largest and best known rehearsal com­pa­ny, JamSpot is famous for great rooms, great gear and excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice. Our gor­geous, clean, com­fort­able and great sound­ing stu­dios are ful­ly equipped with high end gear from folks like Fend­er, Mar­shall, Ampeg, Yama­ha and Zild­jian, and per­fect for rehearsals or just jam­ming with friends. Come join the com­mu­ni­ty of musi­cians who play at JamSpot, where you can focus on your music and leave the rest to us.



Right now at JamSpot...

JamSpot goes Steinway! Beautiful Steinway Model M Available for Recording and Practice!

For the very first time, JamSpot in Wake­field is mak­ing  its Stein­way Mod­el M Grand Piano avail­able for record­ing and prac­tice. You can now play the piano that is the stan­dard by which all oth­er pianos are judged. Record­ing, with engi­neer: $100/hour. Prac­tice time: $50/hour. Call us at 339–219‑0274 or email to sched­ule your […]

Book a room


  • About JamSpot

    JamSpot strives to pro­vide a com­fort­able, con­ve­nient and has­sle-free place to play music when you want to play. All of our sound-proofed rooms come equipped with gui­tar and bass amps, a drum kit and a PA sys­tem with micro­phones. Key­boards gui­tars and bass­es are also avail­able for use at $10 for the ses­sion. Plen­ty of free, onsite park­ing, too! JamSpot was found­ed in 2003, and we have an A+ rat­ing with the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau. 


    Rehearsal Rates

    Play­er Rooms only $40/hour.

    Large Rooms (The Show­case Room, Duke’s, Joe’s Room and Room Six), only $50/hour.

    Please note that spe­cial events (e.g. Video Shoots, Live Streams, Load-Ins & Show­cas­es, etc.) may be sub­ject to high­er rates. Please call or email us for details.

    Before you book: take a moment to read over our book­ing poli­cies and House Rules

    Oper­at­ing Hours
    Note: oper­at­ing hours are sub­ject to change, so always call ahead.

    Mon­day-Fri­day: 5pm-11PM

    Sat­ur­days: 10am-6pm

    Sun­days: NOON-6pm

    Day­time Hours avail­able on Request

News & Announcements

Music Lessons @ JamSpot: Daytime, Evening and Weekend Times Available

Now offer­ing gui­tar, bass, piano, synth drums, voice and Ukulele (😀) lessons for all ages, with les­son times con­ve­nient for your sched­ule. Great teach­ers, great vibe, super-com­­fort­able lounges, huge les­son rooms and tons of free park­ing. Great rates too: a 45 minute les­son is only $70 (com­pare with oth­er area schools!), 30 minute lessons are […]

New Things Happening @ JamSpot in Wakefield

Our world is chang­ing, and JamSpot is chang­ing with it. Begin­ning this August, 2024, JamSpot will begin offer­ing a whole slew of new and improved music pro­grams, includ­ing class­es, ensem­bles, singing groups and music lessons. We’ll also be expand­ing our hours (Day­times and Sat­ur­days are back!!), so that we can be here when you need […]

JamSpot Celebrates 20 Years!

20 years ago on Feb­ru­ary 18, 2004, Steve Fol­som and I opened JamSpot in Somerville. We took an old Ver­i­zon build­ing and turned it into Boston’s first ful­ly equipped, hourly rehearsal space. Buf­fa­lo Tom was our first pay­ing cus­tomer. The Down­beat 5 was the first band to record at JamSpot. Richard Thomp­son was our first […]

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